Meeting Room Use

The community room is 28′ x 23′ and can comfortably hold around 30 – 40 people, if not using tables.
The Library can provide six, 6 foot long tables and chairs.
Other accommodations can be discussed with library staff.

Statement of Policy

Bridgeville Public Library provides meeting space for library programs and for other meetings/activities of an informational, educational, cultural, or civic nature. The library meeting rooms are available to the community consistent with the library’s mission of disseminating information to the community and encouraging free and open expression and exchange of ideas. Use of the facilities by other groups or individuals is allowed when not needed by the Library or for Library-related activities, programs, and meetings. It is not allowed when use interferes with or disrupts the programs, activities and normal operations of the Library, or causes a security risk or safety hazard to Library staff, property or patrons.

2018 Friends of the Library Halloween Party

Use of a meeting room is free of charge to non-profit, civic, social, cultural, educational, and governmental organizations, as long as the meetings or programs held complement the mission of the library, are open to the public, are free of charge, and are not held with intention of generating revenue.

Meeting rooms cannot serve as a permanent or regular public meeting location for any non-Library related group. To allow all members of the community the opportunity to use a Library’s meeting room, room reservation may occur up to two weeks in advance. A group or individual who wishes to reserve the program room further in advance shall request written permission from the Library Director.

For more information about our meeting room policy please download the full policy below. If you have any questions please contact the Director or Assistant Director.

If you are interested in renting our meeting space the prices and form are available in the policy pdf below.

Full Meeting Room Use Policy & Agreement
Room Rental Contract


Fees will be assessed based on the following groupings:
• Activities which are open for public participation but charge a fee for participation such as fundraisers, conferences or events.
• Activities which are closed to the public such as private receptions, meetings or parties, and/or which may promote or solicit business, sponsorship, membership or donations.
• Activities which are outside of Library operating hours.

For more information please speak to the Library’s Director :
Erin Weaver