Total Eclipse of the Sun
On Saturday, April 6, forty-six people turned out to hear Fred McMullen, meteorologist for National Weather Service Pittsburgh, speak about the total solar eclipse which occurred on April 8. Mr. McMullen began the presentation by giving some background on the National Weather Service itself, before discussing how a solar eclipse occurs.
He spoke about what to expect when viewing the eclipse in Pittsburgh v. being in the path of full totality. Such things included partial darkness v. full darkness, differences in temperature, and whether it was safe to remove your solar eclipse glasses.
All program attendees received a free pair of glasses.
In the lead-up to the eclipse, the library gave away eight hundred pairs of glasses, allowing our community to safely view the unique astronomical event. Bridgeville lay in the path of 97% totality for the eclipse. The next total solar eclipse will take place in 2044 and will be viewable in the mid-west.